What is Normal Paraffin?

Normal paraffin, also known as n-paraffin or linear paraffin, refers to a group of straight-chain hydrocarbons with a specific carbon chain length. These hydrocarbons are saturated, meaning they contain only single bonds between carbon atoms. Normal paraffins are commonly derived from crude oil during the refining process. The term “normal” in normal paraffin refers to … Read more

What is Semi-Refined Paraffin Wax?

Semi-refined paraffin wax, also known as slack wax, is a type of paraffin wax that has undergone a partial refining process. While it is not as refined as fully refined paraffin wax, it still possesses certain characteristics that make it suitable for various applications. Semi refined paraffin wax is obtained during the initial stages of … Read more

What is Fully Refined Paraffin Wax?

Fully refined paraffin wax is a high-quality grade of paraffin wax that has undergone extensive refining processes to remove impurities and achieve a pure and consistent composition. This type of paraffin wax is known for its superior quality and desirable characteristics, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. During the refining process, crude … Read more

What is Paraffin Wax?

Paraffin wax is a type of wax that is derived from petroleum. It is a widely used and versatile substance with various applications in different industries. Paraffin wax is produced through the refining process of crude oil. It is a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules that solidifies at room temperature and has a relatively low melting … Read more

What is Wax and Paraffin?

Wax and paraffin are two related substances commonly used in various industries for their unique properties and applications. While they share similarities, they also have distinct characteristics and uses. Wax is a natural or synthetic organic compound that is solid at room temperature and melts when heated. It is derived from various sources, including plants, … Read more

What is Standard Rubber Process Oil?

Standard rubber process oil refers to a commonly used type of rubber process oil that meets industry standards and specifications. It is a versatile oil that is widely used in the rubber industry for various applications. Standard rubber process oils are formulated to provide optimal processability and performance in rubber compounding and processing. They act … Read more

What is Green Rubber Process Oil?

Green Rubber Process Oil is a type of rubber process oil that is specifically designed to have a reduced environmental impact compared to traditional rubber process oils. It is formulated using renewable and sustainable raw materials and incorporates environmentally friendly production methods. The concept of green rubber process oil aligns with the increasing demand for … Read more

What is Rubber Process Oil?

Rubber process oil is a specialized type of oil used in the rubber industry. It plays a crucial role in the manufacturing and processing of rubber products by improving their processability, enhancing physical properties, and ensuring optimal performance. Rubber process oil is primarily used as an extender or softening agent in the production of rubber … Read more

What is Base Oil SN650?

Base Oil SN650 is a specific type of base oil that falls under the Group I category. It is a highly refined and purified base oil that offers specific performance characteristics suitable for a wide range of lubricant applications.   SN650 refers to the viscosity grade of the base oil, with “SN” indicating that it … Read more

What is Base Oil SN500?

Base Oil SN500 is a type of base oil that belongs to the Group I category. It is a highly refined and purified base oil with specific viscosity characteristics suitable for a wide range of lubricant applications. SN500 refers to the viscosity grade of the base oil, with “SN” indicating its suitability for use in … Read more