Product Overview

Cutback Bitumen Medium Curing MC 800

Cutback Bitumen MC800 is dissolved of bitumen in solvents of kerosene. many countries derive kerosene and other volatile petroleum products and add as a cutter or cutback agent to bitumen to reduce (or cutback) the viscosity of the bitumen.

Mixture obtained may be called cutback bitumen. Also reduction in viscosity of the bitumen aids the construction of seal coats in road pavements as the softened mixture wets the chips more easily.

Cutback agent also evaporates from seal coat, it become a negligible component of seal coat a few months after application. If significant amounts of cutback agent remain in seal coat an unwanted long term softening effect may result.

Uses Of

Cutback bitumen MC-800 consist of initial incorporation of asphalt into the surface of non-asphalt based course preparatory to any superimposed treatment of construction. Furthermore cutback asphalt MC-800 applying to waterproofing of surfaces, plug capillary voids, coat and bond loose mineral particles. Cutback agents are used to lower the viscosity of bitumen when it is applied as a primer to the surface of a road pavement aggregate base course or substrate.

We use Kerosene as a bitumen cutback agent at different concentrations according to local conditions and requirements. Cutback bitumen is ideal for prime coat. Also it cold applied because of easy uses and no need to thinning and heating.

Guaranty/Warranty Of

PUT LLC guaranty the quality of cutback MC-800 with arrangement of international inspector. By check quality and quantity of the bitumen on each shipment during the loading to vessel. We control production by QC team via batch test report before shipping. PUT LLC guaranty the quality to meet with ASTM/EN15322:2009.

Packing Of

Normal paraffin is a stable compound with excellent chemical and thermal stability. It has low reactivity, a high flash point, and a high boiling point, allowing it to withstand high temperatures without degradation. It is also non-toxic and environmentally friendly. These properties make it suitable for various industrial applications, particularly in industries focused on sustainability.

Cutback Bitumen Medium Curing MC 800

Technical Data Sheet

You can examine the technical details of Penetration Bitumen product on the table. All the information you need about the product is included in the table.

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