Gilsonite for Asphalt Enhancement

Gilsonite, also known as uintaite or asphaltite, is a naturally occurring solid hydrocarbon that is commonly used in the asphalt industry. With its unique properties and composition, Gilsonite offers several benefits for enhancing asphalt performance and durability. In this article, we will explore the uses of Gilsonite in asphalt, its advantages, and its impact on the overall quality of asphalt pavement.

Understanding Gilsonite


Composition and properties

Natural Bitumen is a type of asphaltic mineral found in various parts of the world, including the Uinta Basin in Utah, USA. It is composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. The mineral occurs naturally in a solid form and is characterized by its black color and shiny appearance. Gilsonite has a high carbon content and a unique molecular structure, which gives it its beneficial properties for asphalt enhancement.


Extraction and processing

Gilsonite is extracted from underground mines using traditional mining methods. Once mined, it is processed to remove impurities and obtain a high-quality product suitable for various applications. The processing typically involves crushing, grinding, and refining the mineral to achieve the desired particle size and purity.


Uses of Gilsonite in Asphalt


Asphalt binder modification

One of the primary uses of Gilsonite in the asphalt industry is as a binder modifier. When added to hot mix asphalt (HMA), Gilsonite improves the properties of the asphalt binder, enhancing its performance and durability. The addition of Gilsonite helps to increase the viscosity and elasticity of the binder, making it more resistant to deformation and cracking under heavy loads and temperature variations.


Pavement preservation

Gilsonite is also used in pavement preservation treatments, such as chip seals and slurry seals. These treatments involve applying a thin layer of asphalt emulsion mixed with aggregate particles to the surface of existing asphalt pavements. The inclusion of Gilsonite in the emulsion improves the adhesion between the asphalt and aggregate, resulting in a more durable and longer-lasting pavement surface.


Asphalt recycling

In asphalt recycling processes, Gilsonite can be used as an additive to rejuvenate aged and oxidized asphalt binders. By adding Gilsonite to recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), the properties of the aged binder can be restored, improving the quality of the recycled asphalt mix. This allows for more sustainable construction practices by reducing the need for virgin materials.


Roofing and waterproofing

Gilsonite finds applications beyond asphalt pavement. It is commonly used in the roofing and waterproofing industry as an additive in roofing materials and coatings. The addition of Gilsonite improves the durability, weather resistance, and waterproofing properties of these materials.


Advantages of Using Gilsonite in Asphalt

Improved durability and resistance

The use of Gilsonite in asphalt enhances the durability and resistance of the pavement. It increases the binder’s resistance to deformation, rutting, and cracking, resulting in longer-lasting asphalt surfaces. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas and regions with extreme temperature variations.


Enhanced flexibility and elasticity

Gilsonite improves the flexibility and elasticity of the asphalt binder, allowing it to withstand heavy loads and temperature fluctuations without cracking or deforming. This is beneficial for both highways and airports, where the pavement is subjected to significant stress and thermal cycling.


Reduced maintenance and life-cycle costs

By enhancing the performance and durability of asphalt pavements, Gilsonite helps to reduce maintenance needs and extend the life of the pavement. This leads to cost savings over the life cycle of the asphalt, making it a cost-effective solution for infrastructure projects.


Environmentally friendly

The use of Gilsonite in asphalt recycling promotes sustainability by reducing the reliance on virgin materials. By rejuvenating aged asphalt binders, Gilsonite allows for the reuse of existing pavement materials, minimizing the environmental impact associated with asphalt production and disposal.


Considerations and Application


Proper dosage and mix design

To achieve optimal results, it is essential to use the appropriate dosage of Gilsonite and design the asphalt mix accordingly. The dosage of Gilsonite may vary depending on factors such as climate, traffic conditions, and desired performance characteristics. It is important to consult with asphalt experts and follow recommended guidelines for dosage and mix design.


Quality and sourcing

When using Gilsonite in asphalt, it is crucial to ensure the quality and purity of the product. High-quality Gilsonite that has undergone proper processing and refining will yield better results and ensure the desired enhancements in the asphalt pavement. It is advisable to source Gilsonite from reputable suppliers with a proven track record in the industry.


Proper application techniques

The application of Gilsonite in asphalt requires proper techniques and equipment to ensure uniform distribution and integration with the asphalt binder. It is essential to follow recommended application procedures, including appropriate mixing, heating, and blending processes, to achieve the desired results.



Gilsonite offers valuable benefits for enhancing asphalt performance and durability. Its use in asphalt binder modification, pavement preservation, asphaltrecycling, roofing, and waterproofing has proven to be effective in improving the properties of asphalt and extending the life of pavement surfaces. With its ability to enhance durability, flexibility, and resistance to deformation and cracking, Gilsonite is a valuable tool in the asphalt industry.


By incorporating Gilsonite into asphalt mixes, infrastructure projects can benefit from reduced maintenance needs, lower life-cycle costs, and more sustainable practices. However, it is important to ensure proper dosage, quality, and application techniques to achieve optimal results. Consulting with asphalt experts and following recommended guidelines will help ensure successful implementation of Gilsonite in asphalt projects.