Product Overview

Normal Paraffin

Normal Paraffin (with a carbon range of C10-C13) widely usage is in Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) production process. In addition, it can be used in manufacturing of fatty alcohols (mostly used in production of surfactants), chlorinated paraffin wax, and solvents (with applications in paint and resin industries).

It is the major raw material for the manufacture of LAB . We extract Paraffin from kerosene which contains an average of 20-25% paraffin. And therefore generally produce close to a refinery as the kerosene, free of the paraffin that we remove. return to the refinery.

Uses Of

We use over 80% of Normal Paraffin for production of Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB). The remaining Normal Paraffin may be further is to obtain special solvents used for various industrial applications. Including synthetic resins , paints and varnishes , degreasing agents and printing inks . Normal paraffin operate as a dissolver in industrial for producing polymers and resins , colors , artistic coverings and grease polisher.

Increasing demand for and tighter supplies of Normal Paraffins, combined with sharply rising crude oil prices in 2003–2008, led to large price increases. In turn, these developments have led to increases in downstream linear alkylbenzene prices. Making it somewhat less competitive with detergent alcohols in household detergent applications. During the economic crisis in 2009, prices dropped substantially. With high crude oil prices in 2012 through 2014, paraffin prices rose, and detergent alcohols again became more competitive with LAB. However, crude oil prices dropped significantly in 2015 and 2016. And rising raw material costs of natural fatty alcohols (especially in 2016) made LAB more competitive.

With the closure of ExxonMobil Chemical Company’s Normal Paraffins plant in the United States. The North American region became a net importer of Normal Paraffins, with imports coming mainly from Western Europe. In Qatar, the Fischer-Tropsch unit using Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) technology that came onstream in 2011 provided more economical supplies of n-paraffins for LAB producers in the region and in Asia. In the United States, ethylene-derived Linear Alpha-Olefins (LAO) are also used in the production of LAB. Recent low ethylene prices have helped LAO become more competitive with n-paraffins for the US LAB market.

Sasol and CEPSA Química are the world’s two largest producers of n-paraffins, with a combined share of over 21% of global capacity. China has both the highest number of producers and the largest national capacity, over 23% of the global total. Any major capacity additions in the future are likely to be in China (to help meet its own demand) and the Middle East (a major net exporter). Asia is a net importer of n-paraffins, as are North and South America. Western Europe is a large net exporter of n-paraffins and will likely remain so, along with the Middle East.